I once lived in Europe. I lived there just long enough to discover that everywhere (and I mean everywhere) I went, there would be hundreds of white-shoed, khaki-pants-and-fanny-pack wearing Americans lined up twenty-deep beneath the Golden Arches of, say, Paris, Amsterdam, or Oxford, clamoring for a taste of Omaha, shouldering their way forward for a whiff of old Debuque. To this day I can’t decide if my fellow travelers sought Big Macs as a panacea for being homesick, or if their ruin as eaters was already complete. Were they intimidated by the culinary unknown, or had Ronald already had his way with them? Were they the psychologically damaged suckers who identified with their abusers as described in psychology’s proto-Freudian object relations theory? Or was it more simple than that? Was it just that these Americans were the typical monoglots who go abroad too frightened to order off menus printed the local language? Were they, as eaters, forever lost?
Seeing a young American wolf down Royale Deluxe (that’s a Royale with Cheese for all you Pulp Fiction fans out there) on the Champs-Elysees broke my heart. That was it for me and the hamburger for a while. We were done. Officially broken up. Friends no more. I didn’t eat ground meat in pressed or patty form the rest of my time in Europe. And that’s too bad. Because there is a long and still-vital tradition of European hamburger making (and eating) in the Old World. And no, I’m not talking about the tradition of Hamburg Steak from the 17th Century (the Germans are on their own here). I’m talking about the amazingly varied and truly delicious tradition of meat in patty form that is the cornerstone of streetfood in Balkan cuisine.
I now know about Balkan burgers only because a sudden culinary whim brought me into Alexandria’s delightful Balkan Grill to have me staring at an illustrated menu featuring not one, but two burgers deeply rooted in the Balkan streetfood tradition. Only these pucks of delicious protein are not called hamburgers in Bosnian. They’re called pljeskavica and are traditionally made of mixed ground meats, then grilled or fried, and served between what Americans would call a bun, but which Serbs call lipinja, and more resembles pita bread in gluten content than, say, does that Sunbeam bun you grew up with. The pljeskavica is traditionally served with raw onions, peppers, tomatoes, and something magical called kaymak, and which, to Americans, will resemble sour cream on first glance, but which resembles, when tasted, crème fraiche or clotted cream.
This first pljeskavica was billed on the menu as the Bosnian Burger. Below the Bosnian Burger was pictured something called the Adana Burger, beside which was handwritten the word HOT in ball-point pen. I knew that Adana was a city southern Turkey not particularly prominent on the Southeastern European culinary map, but the promise of a spicy burger (even hot) intrigued me so much that I ordered it and a second dish called borek (fillo pastry stuffed with cheese) just in case the burger should somehow disappoint. The proprietor took my order with Old World formality and retreated to the kitchen, leaving me alone to wait.

And one look at my food as it came out and I knew why Balkan Grill was a favorite among the Southeastern European crowd. Before me were two huge plates of food. One with a monster borek on it. The other with the biggest hamburger I have ever seen. The Adana burger was huge. Colossal. As big around as the top of my head. It was presented as promised: a meat patty of epic proportions laid between two slices of lipinja and garnished on the side with raw onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and a large dollop of kaymak. I looked at the Adana burger, then at the two pretty tight-jeaned Bosnian nationals waiting for their food. They winked at me and smiled and nodded me on like some fool about to plunge over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel, so I picked up my mammoth burger and took a bite.
Before I describe the Adana, a confession: when it comes to hot food, I’m that guy. I’m the guy who carries a bottle of Tabasco in his professional bag of tricks to enliven the staff meal I receive at the end of every event I supervise. I drown my shift meal in hot sauce both to enliven my food and send my chefs into fits of apoplectic rage. So I know my heat. I’ve got the Scoville Scale tattooed on my culinary soul.
Twelve years in the world of haute cuisine has taught me to believe that I know a helluva lot about food. One late-winter’s visit to the truly excellent Balkan Grill has taught me that I know virtually nothing. It has taught me there are untold numbers of age-old culinary traditions out there in the great wide world just waiting to be encountered by culinary enthusiasts like me. As luck would have it, I always travel with my appetite; I’m always hungry for more. Consider the hamburger.
Your link to Balkan Grill: Balkan Grill
And yeah, the borek was delicious. Meet me there and I'll bring the beer. Promise.
And yeah, the borek was delicious. Meet me there and I'll bring the beer. Promise.